Welcome to VortexMu Season 20 1-3

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Mudanças nas Regras de Pontuação por Evento

Pontuação e Participação

  • A guild que se registrar e cumprir todos os requisitos do evento do início ao fim soma 1 ponto, mesmo que nenhuma outra guild tenha se registrado.
  • Caso o evento tenha apenas uma guild participante, a pontuação será contabilizada para essa guild, independentemente da ausência das demais.

Penalizações por Ausência

A guild que não se registrar e não demonstrar intenção de participar do evento não perderá pontos, porém, caso termine o mês em primeiro lugar, terá parte da premiação reduzida conforme a tabela abaixo:

Faltas em EventosPenalização na Premiação
1 evento ausente- 5K Large Complex Potion
- 5K Large SD Potion
- 1K Elite HP Potion
- 1K Elite SD Potion
- 1 Pack Buff PvP
2 eventos ausentes- 7K Large Complex Potion
- 7K Large SD Potion
- 1.5K Elite HP Potion
- 1.5K Elite SD Potion
- 3 Pack Buff PvP
3 eventos ausentes- 1 Fenrir Gold
- 10 Large HP Potion
- 10K Large SD Potion
- 2K Elite HP Potion
- 2K Elite SD Potion
- 3 Pack Buff PvP
4 eventos ausentesPerda total da premiação mensal

Bônus por Participação Completa

A guild que participar de todos os eventos e cumprir todo o cronograma do servidor receberá 5x VIP Platinum mensal, mesmo que não termine o mês em primeiro lugar.

Premiação Mensal da Guild Vencedora

  • 🧪 20K Large Complex Potion
  • 🛡️ 10K Large SD Potion
  • ❤️ 3K Elite HP Potion
  • 💙 3K Elite SD Potion
  • 💪 5 Pack PvP Buff (7 dias)
  • 🐺 1 Fenrir Gold (Eterno)
  • 💎 1 Pack 255 [Bound] Temple Guard Reinforcement Stone

Premiação por Incentivo

Guilds que participaram de todos os eventos, somando pelo menos 1 ponto no mês, receberão:

  • 5x VIP Platinum

(Em caso de empate, o critério de desempate será a guild com a segunda maior pontuação do mês.)

Boas vindas ao Season 20 Part 1-3

📢 Atualizações e Melhorias

  • 🔹 Adicionado Season 20 (1-3)
  • 🔹 Novo Battle Pass
    • Sistema completamente reformulado.
    • Diversas novas recompensas disponíveis.
    • Ajuste leve no preço do Shop(x).
  • 🔹 Novo Sistema de Mineração de Ruud
    • Agora é possível farmar Ruud utilizando a Pandora (Picareta).
    • A picareta pode ser reparada com os Ruud's farmados.
  • 🔹 Correção no Pack PvP Buff (1 dia)
    • O item Golden Oak Charm foi corrigido e ajustado.
  • 🔹 Início da Season
    • As Skills 3rd e 4th de todos os personagens foram resetadas.
    • Eventos da Guild VortexMU temporariamente desativados:
      • Castle Siege, Throne Conquest e Arca War.
      • Serão reativados após a primeira semana.
  • 🔹 Drop de Itens para Upgrade do Legendary
    • [Bound] Temple Guard Reinforcement Stone
      • Free / Vip: até 10 por dia.
      • Vip Platinum: até 20 por dia.
    • Shining Temple Guard Reinforcement Stone
      • Free / Vip: até 10 por dia.
      • Vip Platinum: até 20 por dia.
  • 🔹 Mapa de Farm
    • Twisted Karutan – Todos os Mobs.
    • Kardamahal Underground Temple – Todos os Mobs.
  • 🔹 Temple Guard Items
    • Não será possível utilizar Jewel of Excess nos itens Temple Guard.
  • 🔹 Shop(x)
    • Rebuilds – Ajustado o preço de todos os itens de Rebuilds no Shop(x).
  • 🔹 Bugs / Feedback
    • Em caso de problemas dentro do jogo, utilize o canal #reports ou abra um ticket para suporte.
    • O início de uma Season pode ter desafios e instabilidades.
    • Contamos com sua colaboração para uma melhor experiência!
    • Seja bem-vindo ao VortexMU Season 20 Part 1-3!


Guild Wars



Game Guides

Dark Wizard Party Bonus: DK - DW - ELF | DW - ELF - GL
The Dark Wizard's magic is initially weak, but as he trains and approaches the level of a high-level magician, his magical skills grow exponentially, making him a gradually developed character.
Basic Build:
Strength 10%
Agility 25%
Stamina 5%
Energy 60%
Kundun Merhis Party Bonus: KD - LM - DK
The White Wizard is a mage with attributes opposite to those of the Dark Wizard, using a staff and a magic book as weapons, and casting bright magic skills powered by 'light energy.'
Basic Build:
Strength 9%
Agility 50%
Stamina 1%
Energy 40%
Lemuria Party Bonus: KD - LM - DK
Lemuria is a spellcaster who uses an 'Orb' to cast magic skills in the form of spheres. Although the Mage has low health and defense, they possess high magical attack power, which can be enhanced through energy stats.
Basic Build:
Strength 9%
Agility 10%
Stamina 1%
Energy 80%
Gun Crusher Party Bonus: GC - RW - GL
The GC uses water and fire elements skills with a magic gun. Fire element skills deliver a large amount of effective damage at very high speed, while water element skills are slower in attack speed but deal powerful damage.
Basic Build:
Strength 15%
Agility 25%
Stamina 5%
Energy 55%
Slayer Party Bonus: DK - SU - SL
The Slayer has quick physical abilities and uses a short sword (dagger) as a weapon. It has the ability to throw weapons or quickly approach and attack multiple enemies.
Basic Build:
Strength 25%
Agility 50%
Stamina 15%
Energy 10%
Dark Knight Party Bonus: DK - DW - ELF | RW - MG - DK
DK - SU - SL | KD - LM - DK
The DK can use most types of weapons on the continent, including swords, axes, and spears, and can wear a variety of armors, from light and practical armor to heavy armor that covers the entire body.
Basic Build:
Strength 55%
Agility 30%
Stamina 10%
Energy 5%
Fairy Elf Party Bonus: DK - DW - ELF | DW - ELF - GL
Utilizing their innate magical talents, and thanks to their nature-friendly racial characteristics, they have the ability to summon various creatures.
Basic Build:
Strength 35%
Agility 50%
Stamina 5%
Energy 10%
Magic Gladiator Party Bonus: DL - SU - MG | RW - MG - DK
The Magic Gladiator can run regardless of the level of the boots he is wearing, and while other classes gain 5 points when leveling up, the MG gains 7 points.
Basic Build:
Strength 45%
Agility 35%
Stamina 10%
Energy 10%
Dark Lord Party Bonus: DL - SU - MG | RF - DL - SU
In addition to exclusive items and skills, Dark Lord can use some of the basic character's armor and weapons, and has a stack called 'Command' that other characters do not have.
Basic Build:
Strength 40%
Agility 15%
Stamina 10%
Energy 25%
Commando 10%
Summoner Party Bonus: DL - SU - MG | RF - DL - SU
DK - SU - SL
The summoner plays a role in party play by using curse magic and summoning skills to reduce the enemy's firepower while maximizing the allies' attack power.
Basic Build:
Strength 10%
Agility 30%
Stamina 10%
Energy 50%
Rune Mage Party Bonus: RW - MG - DK | GC - RW - GL
The Rune Mage is a highly efficient attacker, and being protected by runes, shows strong resistance to elemental attacks.
Basic Build:
Strength 10%
Agility 30%
Stamina 10%
Energy 50%
Rage Fighter Party Bonus: RF - DL - SU
A fighter with a body type that is different from other characters. A close-range character that uses close combat like the Dark Knight or Magic Gladiator.
Basic Build:
Strength 50%
Agility 25%
Stamina 10%
Energy 15%
Illusion Knight Party Bonus: IK - MG - ELF
The Illusion Knight is a knight who wields the power of phantoms, summoning a phantom sword in his left hand to use various sword skills.
Basic Build:
Strength 15%
Agility 80%
Stamina 4%
Energy 1%
Grow Lancer Party Bonus: DK - ELF - GL | GC - RW - GL
A melee character that uses a lance. Depending on the stats, it can satisfy both hunting and PVP with powerful normal damage or attribute damage.
Basic Build:
Strength 55%
Agility 25%
Stamina 15%
Energy 5%
Alchemist Party Bonus: ALC - GL - RW
The Alchemist can use alchemy skills with a wand or elixir, possessing high defense and magical attack power, which can be further enhanced with the energy stat.
Basic Build:
Strength 9%
Agility 40%
Stamina 1%
Energy 50%


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