Welcome to VortexMu Season 20 1-3



Changelogs [09/12]

Evento de Natal:
- Double EXP durante todos os dias até dia 02/01/2025
- Triple drop rate Ability Crystal até dia 02/01/2025
- Cursed Santa invasion:
- Cupom e Desconto na Loja. (Os Cupoms serão anunciados na aba #『📝』news 
- Recarga acumulada. (Ganhe bônus incríveis por completar a quest de donate em nosso website)
- Cada donate você ganha 5% do valor em Growth Points.
- O qual é utilizado para receber as rewards

[!] Cursed Santa Invasion:
- Horário: 00:20, 04:20, 08:20, 12:20, 16:20, 20:20
- City: Lorencia, Noria, Devias.

[!] Cursed Goblin DropList.
- Mysterious Stone x5
- Artifact Enchantment Stone x10
- Bless of Light (Greater) x10
- Jewel of Harmony x20
- Guardian Enhanced Stone x25
- Elite Guardian Enhanced x20
- Lapidary Stone x5
- Golden Sentence x25
- Ability Crystal x10
- Ruud Box (10000)
- Seed Sphere (Fire) [Step: 5]
- Seed Sphere (Water) [Step: 5]
- Seed Sphere (Ice) [Step: 5]
- Seed Sphere (Wind) [Step: 5]
- Seed Sphere (Lightning) [Step: 5]
- Seed Sphere (Earth) [Step: 5]
- Seed Sphere (Fire) [Step: 6]
- Seed Sphere (Water) [Step: 6]
- Seed Sphere (Ice) [Step: 6]
- Seed Sphere (Wind) [Step: 6]
- Seed Sphere (Lightning) [Step: 6]
- Seed Sphere (Earth) [Step: 6]
- Seed Sphere (Fire) [Step: 7]
- Seed Sphere (Water) [Step: 7]
- Seed Sphere (Ice) [Step: 7]
- Seed Sphere (Wind) [Step: 7]
- Seed Sphere (Lightning) [Step: 7]
- Seed Sphere (Earth) [Step: 7]


[!] Cursed Santa DropList.
- [Ruud] Amount [ 100000 ]
- Pure Virtue Wing Core (Type 1)
- Pure Destruction Wing Core (Type 1)
- Pure Phantom Wing Core (Type 1)
- Pure Punishment Wing Core (Type 1)
- Pure Barrier Wing Core (Type 1)
- Pure Wings of Inevitability Core (Type 1)
- Pure Eye Wing Core (Type 1)
- Pure Crimson Wing Core (Type 1)
- Pure Eternal Wing Core (Type 1)
- Tibetton (Evolved)
- Griffs (Evolved)
- Repen (Evolved)
- Pawn (Evolved)
- Lion Mask (Evolved)
- Battle Jasper Necklace 2~3 Options 1~3 Socket's
- Battle Lagoon Necklace 2~3 Options 1~3 Socket's
- Ring of Ultimatum 2~3 Options
- Protection Ring I 2~3 Options
- Protection Ring II 2~3 Options
- Ability Crystal x40
- Ability Crystal x60
- Ability Crystal x80
- Ability Crystal x100
- Jewel of Excess
- Jewel of Luck
- Jewel of Kundun
- Jewel of Wisdom
- Errtel of Radiance x2

[!] Desativado Invasões Vulcanos:
- Pig Invasion
- Rat Invasion

[!] Ajustado Semanal Boss Invasion.
- Debuff Res: 100%

[!] Ajustado drop rate Ring e Pendant exc.
- Redução: -2.3% drop rate

[!] Fixado Fire Flame Ghost Egg tradable.
[!] Fixado WebSite ArcaWar Tag GUILD.
[!] Corrigido horários Castle Siege, Throne Conquest, ArcaWar no WebSite.
[!] Ativado Throne Conquest Event
- Terça-Feira às 21:30
- Server: 1

[!] Alterado Ability item drop limite.
- Ability Crystal: 20 por dia.
- [Bound] Ability Crystal: 40 por dia.

[!] Ajustado Raining Arrow of Saturation Skill.
- Removido Multi-Target (CS e ARCA)
- Redução de dano: 4.1%

[!] Ajustado Wind Soul of Saturation Skill.
- Redução de dano: 2.5%

[!] Ajustado Spirit Blast of Anger Skill.
- Removido Multi-Target (CS e ARCA)
- Redução de dano: 2.8%

[!] Ajustado SUM Dano Class x Class.
- Redução de dano: 1.5%

[!] Ajustado Slayer Damage Class x Class.
- Buff: +2.6%

[FIX] Effect of double damage option of Ability Cards could bypass SD
[FIX] Mu Quests stopped to work after update
[FIX] Corrected possible client lock when using Moss Merchant lottery
[FIX] Corrected party exp was too high in certain scenario

Posted 09-12-2024

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